Monday, July 21, 2014

Fwd: USAIDGH Daily Twitter Digest

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Date: Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 7:07 AM
Subject: USAIDGH Daily Twitter Digest

USAIDGH Daily Twitter Digest


  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
.@DELIVERPROJECT shipped enough #contraceptives to meet needs of ~168M couples in developing countries #WorldPopDay
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
.@DELIVERPROJECT supports @FP2020Global by providing #familyplanning & #reprohealth commodities #WorldPopDay
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
A child in #India is far more likely to be malnourished than one from #DRC, #Zimbabwe or #Somalia (poorest countries)
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
Incr access to #familyplanning services helps end preventable maternal&child deaths & decr #HIV transm. #WorldPopDay
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
Access to #familyplanning enables women & families to make best #reprohealth choices for themselves #WorldPopDay
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
We must remove barriers to #health services, #education &employment so young ppl can realize potential #WorldPopDay
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
1 out of 3 girls in developing countries will be married before 18 & >15M girls will give birth each yr #WorldPopDay
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
Apply to a Virtual #Internship with @USAIDGH's Office of #HIV & #AIDS today! Visit for details
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
More than 2M adolescents live with the scourge of #HIV & #AIDS, many w/o access to lifesaving treatment #WorldPopDay
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
"Many of the most vulnerable people have been left behind, incl. many of our young ppl." - @JohnKerry #WorldPopDay
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
#FamilyPlanning can save and improve lives of #MomAndBaby says @bfrist in this video cc @melindagates #MomAndChild
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
RT @bfrist: If you missed the #MomAndChild event with @melindagates & @hthhglobal earlier, the @Tennessean has an article out:
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
"We have made tremendous progress over past 20 yrs, esp. in #education & red. maternal&child mortality." #WorldPopDay
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
Not traveling to #Melbourne for #AIDS2014? Join the Twitter chat on women and #HIV #AIDS on July 16 at 10am EDT #StepUp4Women #AIDSchat
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
RT @ks7s: .@USAIDGH Check out @HRW's new report on women w/ #disabilities at risk of sexual violence, #HIV in #Zambia
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
Read @StateDept Secretary @JohnKerry's #WorldPopDay - "Young ppl represent our hope for a brighter future"
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
Thanks for joining us! Be sure to check out the supplement here: #aidsfreegen
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
Claire Holland: "With key pops criminalization is a huge issue at the policy level when addressing #HIV & #AIDS"
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
Kim Ahanda, @USAID staff moderator, "This @journalaids collection will help us take this #hiv information outwards."
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
Blair Johnson: "Mental health outcomes are extremely relevant to #HIV & #AIDS patients even before diagnosis."
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
Claire Holland, Senior Coordinator at @JohnsHopkinsSPH : "In China, knowing 10+ #msm promoted ppl getting tested."
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
CU: "Community care is significantly associated with reduced #HIV & #AIDS deaths" #AIDSFreeGen
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
Carol Underwood, @JohnsHopkinsCCP Sr. Research Adv.: "men employed & commun invlvmnt helps ppl choose to be tested."
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
Blair Johnson of UConn: "tailoring #hiv communication to specific groups increases its effectiveness."
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
This morning we're here at @pressclubdc celebrating the release of the @journalaids Comms in #HIV prevention & care supplement!
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
Check out the #DRC @DHSprogram 2013-2014: Preliminary Report on the Prevalence of #HIV #AIDSFreeGen
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  USAID Global Health USAIDGH 15 Jul
Attending #AIDS2014? Before you go, tell us how you're "Stepping Up the Pace: Women and #HIV #AIDS" July 16 at 10am EDT. #StepUp4Women
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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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