Monday, July 28, 2014

Fwd: Surgeon General's Call to Action to Prevent Skin Cancer

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services <>
Date: Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 10:23 AM
Subject: Surgeon General's Call to Action to Prevent Skin Cancer

Surgeon General's Call to Action to Prevent Skin Cancer Banner

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the U.S. Each year nearly 5 million people are treated for skin cancer in the U.S., with an annual cost of $8.1 billion, yet most cases are preventable. Please join the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for the unveiling of the Surgeon General's Call to Action to Prevent Skin Cancer, a report that will recommend strategies for individuals, communities, policymakers, and state and federal government to reduce skin cancer-related illness, deaths, and healthcare costs.

Watch the live Webcast TOMORROW, at 10:00am EST at

We have also developed social media tools that you can use to participate and share the event with others. 

The following tweets announce the release of the Call to Action and how to join our #SGSunSafe Thunderclap. Please lend your voice to our Thunderclap and help spread the message about skin cancer prevention.

Promotional Tweets:

WATCH LIVE: @Surgeon_General on #skincancer prevention. 7/29 10am ET #SGSunSafe 

 NEW @Surgeon_General Call to Action: Be #SGSunSafe this summer & year round. Reduce risks for #skincancer

You can be healthy & active outdoors &still prevent #skincancer  See NEW @Surgeon_General Call to Action #SGSunSafe 

Everyone has a role to play to reduce #skincancer risks. NEW @Surgeon_General Call to Action #SGSunSafe (add image to the right)

Reduce Skin Cancer Infographic

Live Tweeting

 We'll be tweeting live! Be sure to follow @Surgeon_General and #SGSunSafe during the webcast. 

Join the #SGSunSafe Thunderclap

In support of the release of the Surgeon General's Call to Action on Skin Cancer, the Office of the Surgeon General has launched the #SGSunSafeThunderclap.

The rates of skin cancer are increasing, creating a serious public health concern we cannot ignore. The summer months are a key time to inform Americans of their risk for skin cancer. Help us share information from the Surgeon General's Call to Action on Skin Cancer that can help reduce risks and protect skin.

Join the #SGSunSafe Thunderclap and help us share information on skin cancer.

  • What is a Thunderclap? A "Thunderclap" is an online campaign put together that allows a single message to be mass-shared all at once via social networks including Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr so that the message and action rises above the social media clutter on online networks.  
  • How to join the Thunderclap: Visit our #SGSunSafe Thunderclap campaign page here (hyperlink text). Then choose how you want to support it (Twitter, Facebook and/or Tumblr). You can choose any combination of networks. Click on the network button to sign up. 
#SGSunSafe Thunderclap Image

Share & amplify the Thunderclap. Below we have provided messages that you can share to amplify the #SGSunSafe message. Make sure to include the link to our campaign so that people can find where to sign up.


#skincancer rates are increasing. Support @Surgeon_General's #SGSunSafe #Thunderclap

Share the importance of reducing #skincancer risks. Join @Surgeon_General's #SGSunSafe #Thunderclap

Every sector has a role in preventing #skincancer. Support @Surgeon_General's#SGSunSafe #Thunderclap


Join it – then share it! Be a part of the effort to increase awareness of skin cancer risks. Join the Surgeon General's #SGSunSafe #Thunderclap

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. Help share the importance of reducing skin cancer risk. Join the Surgeon General's #SGSunSafe #Thunderclap 

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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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