Monday, July 28, 2014

Fwd: Next Nuclear Disaster Orchestrated by Pharmacists? - Issue #775

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From: Wall Street Daily <>
Date: Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 3:12 AM
Subject: Next Nuclear Disaster Orchestrated by Pharmacists? - Issue #775

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Legal Deadline Won't be Extended
A recently failed mega-merger just unlocked a potential $1.13 billion payout for investors. But the legal deadline to access the cash is fast approaching. Click here for details.

Anytime you need a nuclear physicist to help create a new technology, you know you're dealing with something truly extraordinary.

That's exactly the case in the field of radiopharmaceuticals.

Simply put, radiopharmaceuticals are drugs that contain radioactive properties.

No, they're not going to melt your face off.

These drugs are actually critical in diagnosing and treating many common illnesses, including cancer.

And as the Mayo Clinic says, "Radiopharmaceuticals are to be given only by, or under the direct supervision of, a doctor with specialized training in nuclear medicine."

Serious business, indeed.

Today, I'm going to profile a disruptive leader in this highly specialized field. Its nuclear medicine technology is undoubtedly helping to save lives.

The question is: How does it stack up as an investment? Read more »

Our Chief Options Analyst, Lee Lowell, mentioned yesterday that trading options doesn't mean taking on more risk.

Indeed, options are often less risky than stocks.

The one problem?

"There's a lot of bad information out there," Lee says. "A lot of people trade options incorrectly."

Well, we don't want Wall Street Daily readers to suffer the same fate. So our Founder, Robert Williams, called Lee and asked him to lay out some key guidelines that all options traders should follow.

I encourage you to hear what Lee has to say. He's had such success with options that he now only trades stocks on "very, very rare occasions." Listen now »

How $4 Could Open the Door to Billions in Cash
Nothing about this opportunity makes any sense. Billions in cash paid out after a merger failed? Regular investors with the same shot as rich ones... with cash paid in just weeks? It makes no sense at all upon first glance, but there's tremendous opportunity for investors of all levels. Simply click here to discover how a few dollars can open the floodgates to wealth you never thought possible.

On Tuesday, Obamacare was taken for a wild ride.

First, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals handed down a ruling in Halbig v. Burwell that struck a massive blow to the healthcare law.

A three-judge panel ruled 2-1 that the government can't provide subsidies to states that participated in the federal exchange,, because of the Affordable Care Act's specific wording.

If upheld, the ruling would make it nearly impossible for Obamacare to work as intended.

But just hours later, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond handed down an opposite ruling in another case, King v. Burwell.

So what's going on? Is Obamacare finally on the way out, or did the Richmond court just give the ACA ultimate protection? Read more »

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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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