Monday, July 28, 2014

Fwd: Three Words Everyone with Mental Illness Should Learn

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From: <>
Date: Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 9:47 AM
Subject: Three Words Everyone with Mental Illness Should Learn
To: Let's talk about it.

Three Words Everyone with Mental Illness Should Learn

Jessica's story

By: Jessica Gimeno, Mental Health Advocate

"I need help."  Those are three of the hardest words to say. Learning how to say them and being brave enough to seek help are necessary for surviving mental illness and life itself.

In our insta-everything culture, it's getting harder to have authentic conversations.  Cries for help that are better said over the phone are now reduced to posts on Facebook and Twitter that get overlooked in peoples' newsfeeds.  And conversations that are better had in person are now sent via text messages.  There are even apps that exist to help you break up on your smartphone!  Calling a friend and saying, "I'm depressed.  Can you come over?" means being vulnerable.  What if your friend laughs, dismisses you, or calls you weak?

I might not be alive today if I didn't accept that I need help and push past ignorance, rejection, and cultural barriers. 

Read full blog post>>


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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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