Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Fwd: EPA News Release: (Va.) EPA awards Cumberland County, Va. teacher with Presidential Innovation Award

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From: U.S. EPA <>
Date: Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 8:22 AM
Subject: EPA News Release: (Va.) EPA awards Cumberland County, Va. teacher with Presidential Innovation Award

Contact: Roy Seneca 215-814-5567


EPA awards Cumberland County, Va. teacher

with Presidential Innovation Award


PHILADELPHIA (August 27, 2014) --The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded Angela Whittaker of Cumberland County High School & Middle School in Cumberland, Va. with the Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators (PIAEE).


"Angela Whittaker's dedication to environmental education inspires students to promote sustainability in their school and their community," said EPA Regional Administrator Shawn M. Garvin. "She has played a pivotal role in environmental education curriculums in Virginia."


Whittaker, has created programs and courses for students of Cumberland County High School and Middle School to foster environmentalism and provide interactive experiences in the fields of energy, land use, and sustainable development. Whittaker was one of 17 teachers nationwide who received a PIAEE award this year.


By partnering with the school, local businesses, and the community she has developed the Education for Sustainability Program that offers hands-on education on sustainable and renewable energy, and green building design. This program allows students to try facets of different environmental careers. Whittaker also developed courses on green building design and renewable technologies where students complete projects such as building compost bins and experiment with solar energy.


Whittaker also created Learning from Nature, a class that focuses on sustainable resource management and growing healthy food through working in gardens and a greenhouse. Food grown in this class is used in the school cafeteria, the cooking class, and a local food bank.


For more information on the PIAEE awards, visit: .


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Jeremy Tobias Matthews

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