Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Love of Chaos & Eros by Jeremy Matthews

Chaos Eros and earth pleasing with devil's country fields upon the hills over you are reconciled with my shield collection of passion from lightning strikes bleeds star seeds steamed river evaporation on my heat wave season burning heaven's seasoned spice of chaos and dab of Eros with earth mixture loving of the ebbing journey spun from the rose wheel of fire for seen I no tracings of blossomed alignment in the meeting of two colliding rivers in that marriage of bad for good in the devil's country cresting the star peak mountain beneath we sneak the soul rumbling stem of island chaos and ebbing Eros from devil's heavenly fallen stone cavern earth shone country savoring the heavens we meet. Flavor in the sun tidings if you want to hide in a cave all your life that's why I would shame stay with you and howl the echo chaos upon thy cavern walls for if devil is lived spelled backwards. We all have devils skeletons on times rose weaving wheel of fire wherefore needs must we spark cave dwelling shone Eros. Star field of chaos in loves ire; passion soul thunder. Love not retire throughout to on to cave rampart flier insidiously wire on electric birth scrolling squire iota feeding soul thunderous construction electrifying monstrous obstruction for a lodestar so on forth needs travel shone star field influx to instruction shocking enchanted earth shock polishing prospect. A resource star speed circuitry unto components of loves hardware ushering fix it soul wiring give it antique demonstration from star harvest guide electrical transportation surging soul whereof benefit earth plowing shock even unfortunate events that ground love surge mobile furrow round up quite electrifying lightning rod stiff star seed planting itineraries of love abound chaos Eros and earth blooming i a rose to give someone.

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