Friday, February 18, 2011

Technical Requirements for KING JEREMY

1. REHEARSAL: (a) Sound check and Rehearsal to minimum of three (3) hours and should include all necessary stagehands and sound technicians. All sound equipment must be set up, rung out and ready prior to rehearsal. In the event additional rehearsal is required, all such rehearsal(s) shall be at the sole cost and expense of the PURCHASER. Rehearsal(s) shall commence: A. with band one (1) hour prior to rehearsal. (b) It is understood and agreed it shall be Purchaser's sole responsibility and expense to insure that all technical requirements herein, including without limitation, those concerning instrumentation and sound, shall be completed at least thirty (30) minutes prior to the scheduled time of Artist's personnel to commence rehearsal immediately at the scheduled time due to the lack of proper set-up by Purchaser or for any other reason beyond the Artist's control shall be solely Purchaser's responsibility. Without limitation of the foregoing, Purchaser shall insure that: (1) All instruments and equipment to be provided by Purchaser as set forth in this Rider shall be fully set up in proposition. (11) The orchestral seating shall be full completed in accordance With Artist's stage plan and subject to Artist's conductor's further instructions in any and all in sound equipment and personnel shall be ready for the use of the Artist and Artist's personnel at rehearsal time as well as at such other times as are designated this Rider.

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